2009年10月13日 星期二

Ministry of Education will launch second Five-year NT$50 Billion Program to subsidize top single-field research

Minister of Education Wu Ching-chi said Tuesday that the country's second five-year NT$50 billion program to upgrade the nation's universities into top academic research centers, will focus on subsidizing top-notch, single-field academic research.


Minister Wu said details of the program were being discussed by a group of professors and experts led by Wong Chi-Huey, President of Academia Sinica, the most preeminent academic institution in Taiwan.


Wu said the program will mostly focus on subsidizing single-field research, such as the cognitive neuroscience research and the photonics research. Each year, the program will provide NT$ 10 billion in subsidies, Wu added.

Wu said the first five-year NT$50 billion program to boost academic institutions' quality will expire at the end of 2010. The program has already met its targets, given the fact that National Taiwan University (NTU) ranked among the world's top 100 universities for the first time this year.

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